Makes ¢ for your business
Makes sense for our planet

Have a look at what our food provider partners are saying



"Earthware has been a great addition to our product line. We hope to reduce what we are putting out into the world by 25-30% in the next few months and Earthware is key to us doing that."

Makes ¢ for your business.


We promote your business to a massive audience of highly engaged consumers

Takeout containers are a reflection of your brand.  Earthware containers make your meals look fantastic

75% of people surveyed want you to get rid of single-use takeout containers

No More Soggy Containers That Your Customers Hate!

No change to your process

Stand out from your competition 


packaging bans


with purpose

More testimonials to the cause!


Order containers and we will deliver in the next 24 hours.
Your customers enjoy their meals and rinse their containers.
They return to select bottle depots for a refund. FYI - A processing fee is applied by depots/pick-up services.
Earthware collects them, sanitizes them & sends them back into circulation.
Using compliant packaging you keep single use containers from the landfill.

改用 Earthware 作为您的外卖容器供应商。


When was the last time your container supplier helped promote YOUR business. We promote you to a fast-growing customer base on all ofour social channels.


We clean our containers over and above what is required by Health and Safety regulations. Ask us about our 6点检查 以及我们的质量保证。 


最后是一个不泄漏的可堆叠兼容容器。它们按照最高标准进行消毒,然后退回瓶库进行退款并多次重复使用。 由 #5 聚丙烯制成,被认为是所有塑料中最安全的选择。

28 oz | 828 ml
38 oz | 1124 ml
100 oz | 3000 ml
33 oz | 1000 ml
54 oz | 1600 ml
27 oz | 800 ml



We have made it simple. EVERY CONTAINER is 10¢ per container regardless of size.  That is better pricing than a single-use container, but of much better quality and better for the environment.  The 70¢ deposit per container is recovered from your customer. In turn, customers return the container for a refund. 查看我们的定价

Your food looks terrible in those brown containers and consumers hate them as much as paper straws.  Plus, most compostable containers end up in the landfill anyway because they don’t break down quickly enough in municipal facilities. Many leave behind 有毒化学品。 与所有其他一次性物品一样,它们需要额外的材料采购和处置资源。

是的!您可以使用可溶解的贴纸为您的外卖打上烙印。我们可以帮助您寻找贴纸或查看这些 首选标签供应商。


  1. Choose from one of many 陶器容器选项 为您呈现最好的食物。 问我们 关于样品。
  2. 使用我们的简单 网上订购系统 and receive delivery within 48 hrs (or sooner if you need them).
  3. A 70¢ deposit is added to the price of each container which you collect from your customers.
  4. 将您的外卖订单包装在零废物回收再利用容器中。
  5. Your customers will get a 50¢ refund on their containers when they bring them into the bottle depot.
  6. 我们将一起告诉世界,您已将可持续性添加到您的菜单中!

您可以访问 画廊 从中选择艺术品,或者您可以执行以下操作:

  1. 给容器中的食物拍照。 
  2. 我们将提供宣传材料与您的客户分享。我们可以定制您的艺术品。 
  3. 在所有社交渠道上分享好消息。去 我们的画廊 使用简单的模板。
  4. 与 Earthware 分享您的照片,以便他们也可以这样做!

去我们的 产品页面。我们有多种碗和盒子可供选择。



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Food Providers How it Works